Fir needle oil siberian

StammpflanzeBotanical sourceAbies sibirica Ledeb.
Botanische FamilieBotanical familyPinaceae
Fremde NamenForeign namespin de Sibérie (Fr.), Fichte sibirisch (Ger.), pino Siberiano (Ital.)
Verwendete PflanzenteileParts of plant usedneedles and twigs
ErntezeitHarvest time
  • März
  • April
  • Mai
  • Juni
  • Juli
  • August
  • GewinnungManufacturing methodsteam distillation
    AusbeuteYield0,84 to 1,25%
    AussehenAppearancecolourless to slightly yellow liquid
    Spezifische KomponentenSpecific componentsBornyl acetate, Camphene, alpha-Pinene, delta-3-Carene, Limonene, beta-Pinene, Tricyclene, beta-Phellandrene, Borneol, beta-Caryophyllene, Santene, Terpinolene, Myrcene, alpha-Fenchene, alpha-Humulene, p-Cymene, gamma-Terpinene

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